Our Board and Board Make Up

ESU Service Unit 15 Board of Directors

Kate Repass, District 4 (President)

Allison Sandman, District 3 (Vice President)

Mary Dueland, District 8 (Secretary)

Jon Lechtenberg, District 1

Nathan Behlke, District 2

Mike Harris, District 5

Larry Gossen, District 6

Jesse Stevens, District 7

Marty Conroy, District 9

Jason Loop, District 10

Board Makeup

Educational Service Unit #15 utilizes an advisory council structure for the purpose of receiving feedback and developing recommendations for services to be provided to member schools. The Advisory Council consists of superintendents from the nine K-12 districts and the parochial school superintendent. The Advisory Council meets at least four times per year. Additionally, the ESU 15 Advisory Council holds five joint meetings with the Educational Service Unit #16 Advisory council. Recommendations are considered by the ESU Board of Directors who make the final decisions concerning the program of services for Educational Service Unit #15.

Educational Unit #15 is comprised of two separate buildings. The main administrative offices are located in Trenton, while an additional building is located in McCook. Special Education, Migrant Education, and an Alternative School are located in the McCook offices.