What is the Concussion Awareness Law LB260

Nebraska's new Concussion Awareness law LB 260 was approved by Governor Heineman on April 9, 2011. The bill became operative July 1, 2012. The intent of the legislation was to emphasize the importance of the issues surrounding sports concussions in young athletes and the use of procedures and precautions for keeping young athletes safe.

LB260 applies to students in any Nebraska school or athletes 19 years of age or younger participating in any organized sports. The following are key provisions of the law:

  • Schools and sports organizations need to make training available to all coaches

  • Schools and sports organizations need to provide information to athletes and parents annually prior to the start of practice or competition

  • Athletes should be removed from play if reasonably suspected of having a concussion

  • Parents shall be notified of the injury, observed symptoms, and action taken

  • Athletes shall not be permitted to return to play until evaluated by a licensed health care professional and given written clearance

  • Athletes shall not be permitted to return to play until written parent permission is given