Welcome to Southwest Nebraska!

Educational Service Unit 15 and our Planning Region invites you to browse our pages and use it to support you in the natural development of the young children in your life.

The purpose of early childhood intervention is to support families, care providers, and preschool teachers when appropriate, in developing the competence and confidence to help your child learn. Your family resource team members can be viewed as a kind of a coach who has received special training in the practices that research has proven to be most effective.

You, as the learner, will develop the competence and confidence to implement strategies to increase your child’s learning opportunities and participation in daily life.

This approach to intervention is a big shift from “outside experts” focusing on your child’s disability. Current emphasis provides supports for the people involved with the child across a variety of environments, building on the child’s and family’s strengths and interests. Supports are given within the family’s daily life and not through unnatural, contrived situations, like one on one with a person who is not “naturally” with your child. You will not be asked to “plan” special activities for your child. Instead you will be supported in recognizing learning opportunities in the activities that naturally happen in day to day life.

The life of a child is full of opportunities for learning. Virtually everything a child experiences happens as part of family life, community life, and participation in early childhood.

Early Childhood Services Coordinator