ESU #15 Title 1C Education Program

Title 1C Education comes to ESU 15 through federal grant monies and is a state operated program. It provides supplemental education and support services to eligible migrant children. These services help children of migrant workers overcome the disadvantages they face, including disruption to their education.

For families to be eligible for this educational opportunity they must have moved to a new community within the past three years and have worked or are working at an agricultural job. This may include: planting, cultivating or harvesting seasonal crops; production of food products; livestock or ranching; and/or nursery or grain elevation work.

For More information please visit the following link:

The ESU 15 Title 1C education program works to ensure that migrant children and youth benefit fully from the same free public education provided to other children. This program offers services that help reduce the educational disruptions and other problems that result from repeated moves.

A variety of services are available to Title 1C education students in addition to the educational services provided by local school districts. The ESU 15 Title 1C education program continues to support academic attainment for migrant students through after-school and summer programs.

MEP Staff